Friday 7 June 2013

An Apple a Day...or Maybe Not

Do we ever really leave high school? I mean, I'd like to think we do...I hated high school and you couldn't make me go back not matter what you paid me.

But some people seem to be in a state of perpetual high school. The cliques, the drama, the endless secrets, the backstabbing.
I honestly thought I had reached a point where I didn't have to worry about it anymore...apparently I was wrong. Or there wouldn't be a post for you to read right now.

I don't really want to get into specifics or name names [because, like I said, Not high school!] so I suppose this is going to seem rather vague.

Have you ever found the perfect apple? You know the one, shiny, flawless skin, glowing a perfect red [or green or yellow if you prefer]. Now, you've bought apples before, so you know they aren't usually so brilliant, but you wonder if this, this apple is special. So you buy the apple and take it home, wash it, and set it in the bowl on your dinning room table. It shines there and you just like to look at it. You're proud that you bought it and made it part of your life; it makes you happy having it around. Your life is crazy and miserable and sometimes insane, but it bothers you less because of the apple. People make fun of you for liking your apple so much, but you don't care, because you love it and it becomes part of who you are.

Then one day, you decide you're going to cut your apple in half, because surely, if a whole apple is good, two parts of an apple will be twice as good.

Only, when you cut into the apple, you realise that under the shiny outer layer, and the nice apple-y goodness, there are worms...lots of them. All writhing together. Twisting and turning, each trying to out twist the other. Each one willing to do whatever it takes to be the better, stronger worm. No matter what you do, even if you put the two pieces back together, you can't forget those moments when you saw what was on the inside. So now, you can't see the apple without seeing the worms.

So you wonder if the apple is spoiled for you forever.

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