Saturday 25 April 2015

Concerning Perspectives and Pink Sweaters

It's all about perspective. The more we focus on things, the more we miss. I consider myself to be an observant person, but I know that left to my own devices I easily become overwhelmed with the details. So much of me is about the details.

Sometimes, details feel like they're all I have. I cling to them, and they cling to me.

Last week a sweet, wonderful little soul moved on.
Today I needed something pink to wear to her visitation.
Pink. The simplest of gestures.

As I stood in front of my closet, I felt the weight of so many things pressing against me. The lack of a place to live in less than a month, new job, new schools, lack of money brought about by my own gullibility, leaving all familiarity for the unknown. So many variables. So many worries.

But in that moment I just needed something pink.

Because that moment wasn't about me, or my problems, real or imagined.
It was about finding a fitting way to say goodbye. It was about letting go.

Sometimes, when life seems to be at its most complicated, focusing on the simple things is the best solution.
In that moment, there was no me, worries, houses, money or false promises.

There was only a pink sweater.

More details about the sweet soul in question, can be found here: