Friday 18 January 2013

Hats off Hiddleston Fans

I can’t not say it, even if I come off sounding terribly Mom-ish. I’m so very, very proud of the Tom Hiddleston fandom right now. Tom’s upcoming work with UNICEF is just plain glorious, and the fan response trumps it a million times over.

Now, I’ve been involved with various fandoms for an awfully long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen fans actually working together to create, share and give to others without a thought for their own personal gain. A fandom where we’re not all trying to trample each other to be first or prove who the ‘better’ fan is.
I love, love, love that I can stand up a little straighter when a coworker says ‘What good has that actor you like so much actually done?’

Hats off to Tom and his Fans