Tuesday 17 December 2013

Sad Snowy Musings

Here’s the thing. At the end of the day, I’m not an advocate for anything. Oh, like most folks I do enjoy a spirited debate, but I prefer to debate topics like sweaters, or Shakespeare.
I don’t like conflict, and strive to avoid it whenever I can. Now, to the people who know me, I admit I can be abrasive and a loudmouth…but that doesn’t mean I seek out conflict, but rather I don’t shy away from it, should it happen to find me.
Now this morning, which could hardly be considered different from any other Tuesday morning,  except that this Tuesday morning,  my dear friend’s roommate was attacked and beaten in the street.
His only crime? Walking to class. Apparently something about the way he walked inspired a follow twice his size to grab him from behind, call him a faggot and beat him nearly unconscious.  In broad daylight. On a crowded street. Nobody did anything.
This event leaves me angry and confused. Has my life really become so sheltered that I find it bizarre that nobody would say anything? He called 911 himself. Nobody sat with him while he waited for the paramedics, concussed and alone.
Again, I seldom use my soapbox these days, but maybe I should dust it off. I noticed in HFB yesterday somebody mentioned it would be better to be ‘Gay behind closed doors’ but I didn’t say anything.   I worry that I spend so much energy debating things of little importance, that I’m forgetting bigger issues.
So I sit, angry and confused. Mostly with myself.