Wednesday 26 September 2012

Wednesdays and Cancer Always Get Me Down

You know what bothers me? Well, to be fair there are many, many things that bother me, but tonight I don't feel like making a list, so I'll just pick one: Cancer. Now, I can say with a fair degree of certainty that there are very few people out there who actually like cancer, but still...
Long story short, my dear old Mam has been wading through the cancer diagnosis maze for the past THREE months and yesterday it all came to a head. She was told by her specialist that her biopsy appointment would be this week, yet a week had past and nobody had phoned her. Or returned her calls. Classy yes?
So, I being my delightful self rocked the boat...alot [some may have drowned] and lo and behold suddenly she magically has a biopsy scheduled for Friday morning. Poof! Just like that.
Now I ask you, what would have happened if I hadn't intervened [or interfered-potato/potato]?  Would she still be waiting?  I'm not political or anything, but this really how breast cancer clinics treat people?
Where are the ribbons and togetherness? The hand holding and Kumbaya?

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Whines and Worries

Well, we're four days post-surgery for Roux and I think she's doing great. I know in the grand scheme of things tubes and adenoids aren't a big deal, but they were a big worry for me. That's sorta my thing...or one of my many things; I worry, alot. I worry about things that I'm sure most people don't even spare a passing glance to. From the moment my eyes open from my klonopin inspired slumber I worry through my day.
Thanks be to my years of teen aged therapy so I function perfectly well to the casual [or even not so casual] observer, but inside my mind moves in ways I can't even begin to explain. My worries range from the mundane, 'is summer over?' to the chronic 'will my kids/me/myhusband get gastro?' to the things that probably should be worried about, 'will we sell the house before the bill collectors knock down our doors and take all we have?'. I still wait for the wonderful. Oh how I wait, and worry.
Is it any wonder that I try to will my spare time with things as far from my actual life as possible?
I read more fanfic than any human should, and still crave I delve deeper, darker, naughtier, and branch into things I never would have considered five years ago.And for the record, there's pretty much nothing I wouldn't have considered five years ago...I consider my tastes t run towards vanilla but have been told my self assessment is flawed. Perhaps vanilla with nuts, and gumdrops, and bourbon sauce...
I'm currently obsessed with fandoms that I never even glanced at before, both Panda and otherwise, and I love/need/crave my Panda world...
And don't even get me started on that dratted Hiddleston.