Tuesday 5 March 2013

Tuesday Musings, or how Queen Saved my Evening

Ever have one of those moments when stop and think, 'Wow, is it still only Tuesday?'

It's March break so both Goose and Roux are home with the Wog during the day and me at night...I still only get to spend less than two hours with them before bed, but good god do they make up for lack of time.

Chaos. Insane Screaming. More Chaos.

Tonight trivets were smashing, then there was screaming, followed immediately with biting, then thanks to an absolutely lovely person on twitter's suggestion of music, there was dancing and singing.
I'm continuously amazed by how little people respond to music; both of mine absolutely adore Queen, much to my pleasure ...we'll ignore Roux' unfortunate interest in Rihanna.

I enjoyed watching both kids sing along with the words they knew [Roux] and gladly make up the words they were missing [Goose]. I've loved Queen so much over the years, it made me happy, that even for a short time I could share it with my kids.